This class was one of the most memorable classes in University.
Making group system was good way of cooperating with same group members.I could know how imortant to work with friend because when we work together, we can get more information than doing alone. My favorite themes were Foreign Festival and World Heritage Site. About Foreign Festival, my group introduced Tomato festival in Spain. World Heritage Site, Lines and geoplyphs of Nasca was our theme. I was very enjoyable of examining these themes and making PowerPoint. But bad things were in this class. Those are that if one of my member absent, we could not present all of the theme and student's skills are different each other but teacher's direction are similar in presentation. Anyway, I could enjoy presenting by PowerPoint.
Making group system was good way of cooperating with same group members.I could know how imortant to work with friend because when we work together, we can get more information than doing alone. My favorite themes were Foreign Festival and World Heritage Site. About Foreign Festival, my group introduced Tomato festival in Spain. World Heritage Site, Lines and geoplyphs of Nasca was our theme. I was very enjoyable of examining these themes and making PowerPoint. But bad things were in this class. Those are that if one of my member absent, we could not present all of the theme and student's skills are different each other but teacher's direction are similar in presentation. Anyway, I could enjoy presenting by PowerPoint.